How to use PopUpOFF

PopUpOFF is not a usual passive blocker. Every time you open a page it searches and eliminates popups depending on a mode you chose.

Spend 2 minutes to learn PopUpOFF now and save hours in the future.

Extension's popup

Extension's popup opened and described.

4 modes:

  • Aggressive removes all sticky elements
  • Moderate leaves sticky headers and other minor elements
  • With the Delicate mode popups don't disappear, but moved somewhere else - usually the top or bottom of the page
  • Turn OFF (old "Dormant") whitelists the website. Basically the mode turns PopUpOFF off until you activate it again

Every time you choose (click) a new mode, the extension will remember your choice for the website and activate it automatically next time you visit this site.

Indicator on the extension's icon and within the modal will tell you which mode is currently active for the given website.

When not to use

We don't recommend using PopUpOFF on platforms like youtube, amazon, instagram, etc. These websites use popups to display content or other important information (login, payment confirmation and so on).

But for our extension all popups are the same, so it will try to do its job and block them. That's why by default PopUpOFF is disabled (turned off) on those popular platforms.

Anti-paid for paywalls

Recently PopUpOFF started to learn how to show content hidden behind paywalls. It doesn't work everywhere, but you can test it on websites like: first, second, third.

To try it out, simply click the extension's icon in the browser and press "Anti-paid". The page will reload the page and, if possible, show you hidden content.

If it doesn't work (sometimes you need to reload the page manually a few times), send us a request and we'll see if it's possible to "unlock".

Your stats

"Your stats" button will lead you to a special page, where you can see your stats and visualize the job this extension has done for you.

All the stats are stored locally on your device and cannot be accessed by us or anyone else. You can also disable collecting in the settings.

Settings page

There are a few settings we would recommend you to pay attention to. To open this page, click on the extension's icon and choose the button at the top right corner. Alternatively, right click on the icon and choose "Options" (Chromium) or "Manage extension" -> "Preferences" (Firefox)

Active by default (Automode)

The most important setting. It is responsible for what PopUpOFF will do on the websites it encounters for the first time.

If you set up "Turn OFF" by default, PopUpOFF will be idle on every page unless you activate it explicitly. If you choose "Moderate", popups on every page will be removed, but you will need to manually turn it off sometimes.

See the "Achieve efficiency" section below to learn why you need this.

Keyboard shortcut

Another important productivity option. You can assign one PopUpOFF command on a Ctrl + X shortcut.

Achieve efficiency

We would like to recommend you a few "styles" of using PopUpOFF:

  • "Moderate" mode by default + "Aggressive" on shortcut. For people who are tired of overlays who mainly use search engines to search for info.
    Example: open an article -> there are still overlays -> press Ctrl + X -> read the article -> quit the site.
  • "Turn OFF" by default + "Moderate" or "Delicate" on shortcut. Precise blocking. Most of the time don't block anything, when you see annoyances press Ctrl + X.

Other settings

You can find some other interesting settings there, like removing/enabling PopUpOFF from the context menu (right click) or export/import configuration for when you change a browser.

We recommend you have a look.


There's a video being recorded in which we will showcase all the features and how to use them. For now, if you have additional questions, see the FAQ section.